Have you ever noticed that your thinking style, interests, and behavorial traits are different from your friends and colleagues? You may subconsciously interact differently with people based on their personality. You often, without thinking about it, customize your communications with people depending on how you know they process or work.
Everyone is different. As Mister Roger says, “You are
special. There is no one else like you in the whole world.” Understanding your
own thinking style as well as your colleagues is powerful –it will increase
work productivity, teamwork, and communication. It can also help you to
recognize and express gratitude.
A great venue to discover thinking styles is a company retreat. Company retreats are often organized to help team members bond in a more relaxed, casual, non-work atmosphere. There are many do-it-yourself training and developmental tools on the market that you can simply implement into your retreat agenda. Or, you can go as far as hiring a professional facilitator to administer the tool, and provide deeper color around the results.
So what are the four personality types?
Dominance, Inducement, Submission, and Compliance.
A great venue to discover thinking styles is a company retreat. Company retreats are often organized to help team members bond in a more relaxed, casual, non-work atmosphere. There are many do-it-yourself training and developmental tools on the market that you can simply implement into your retreat agenda. Or, you can go as far as hiring a professional facilitator to administer the tool, and provide deeper color around the results.
So what are the four personality types?
Dominance, Inducement, Submission, and Compliance.
I’m a “D” and the adjectives used to describe a “D” are
pretty spot on for me.
D=challenge, winning, control, dominance, bottom line
I=Approval, popularity, excitement, enthusiasm, breaking new
S-Stability, traditions, acceptance, support, encouragement,
C=Precision, order, logic high standards, clear
expectations, independence
At a recent clients’ company retreat I was able to see first hand the true power and insight that a tool like this provides. After the event, I spoke with a few of the attendees to learn how they immediately improved interpersonal communications, connected more effectively with co-workers, and understood what they needed to be most effective. The feedback speaks for itself:
Darnell: “I am a C. It
was nice to know to why I was clashing with certain people. Some D's tend to
rub me the wrong way and I feel like I left the retreat with a better
understanding of why and adding a little more grace to those people who aren't
even aware of how they come across to different personalities. For example: If
Pam's words and actions feel a little pushy and overbearing., I can step back instead
of immediately being defensive or taking it personally. I can remember that Pam
is a D and accept that she more than likely means no ill will, it’s just her
take charge type of personality.”
Kristel: “I'm a D. It helps sometimes to understand why some people think and approach situations completely differently from how you approach things. I think it just helps explain some reactions to situations. Andrew and I are both Ds and so we will "challenge" each other often on things and he is very pushy about it. That is his "D" personality coming out. I'm sure he would say the same about me. Knowing he is that way, helps to put it all in perspective (I can think of since I"m a "D" too, how would I react to that situation/question). On the flip side, James is an "I", so he is not pushy but he is much more effective in sales type situations. I try to pay attention when he talks about how he presents things because I think the "I" side of him can present that type of information much more effectively than I can and since I have to try and sell also, I try to learn as much from him as I can.”
Kristel: “I'm a D. It helps sometimes to understand why some people think and approach situations completely differently from how you approach things. I think it just helps explain some reactions to situations. Andrew and I are both Ds and so we will "challenge" each other often on things and he is very pushy about it. That is his "D" personality coming out. I'm sure he would say the same about me. Knowing he is that way, helps to put it all in perspective (I can think of since I"m a "D" too, how would I react to that situation/question). On the flip side, James is an "I", so he is not pushy but he is much more effective in sales type situations. I try to pay attention when he talks about how he presents things because I think the "I" side of him can present that type of information much more effectively than I can and since I have to try and sell also, I try to learn as much from him as I can.”
This client continues to reflect back on this exercise, and takes into consideration the four personality types when making large company-wise decisions. I often hear the disclaimer, “Well, how are the Cs going to react to this? What will the Ds have to say about that?” It’s great that they continue to keep the different behavioral traits in mind when making company decisions.
What’s your personality type?
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